1. The College has Social Service Guild and its funds are utilized for rendering financial help to the deserving poor students
of the college.
2. The affairs of S.S.G. is managed by the committee consisting of the following memebrs.
a. The Principal (Ex-Off.)
b. the Vice - Presidents (Nominated by the Principal)
c. Staff Member (Nominated by the Principal)
d. The Secretary (Elected by the Student)
e. Asst. Secretary (Elected by the Student)
3. The needy students may apply for help through an Application to the Principal after the notification.
4. Secretary will arrange the meeting of the committee in consultation with Vice-President to formulate Rules for budgeting and selecting students for help. He/she should keep the record of proceedings.
5. Disbursement of fund is made by the college office on receipt oft he list of names from the Vice-President of S.S.G.